This update brings articles to Twigg!
Squashing theoretical bugs, but never real ones.
Link previews have landed, along with the ability to see who your own followers are (via your profile), plus we've switch our main font for better readability and fixed some bugs.
Sometimes, you just want to keep things tight-knit. Now you can, with the ability to follow other users and see just their posts in the following feed. Just like the other two feeds, no algorithms—everything is in chronological order.
There's plenty more in the works, just check out our Roadmap.
URLs and @mentions will now link to their respective locations. You can also post photos from mobile now.
Look, of course we want you to stick around, but being in control of our own data as individuals is way more important. It's one of our rights. So, if for whatever reason you decided to leave, you can export your data at anytime via the settings cog (top-right), and self-serve account deletion will be available in the next update. - Till then, you can send any deletion requests to:
Just a fun little update to kick-off our first full week of twigg. Keep track of our growing community via the new stats badges at the top of the feed.
Two-way conversation has arrived. Phew. Currently all comments are made under a post, threaded comments will be available down the line. - Click a post to view it's comments section and click the comment button to leave a comment.
Also, added this handy changelog so you can keep up-to-date with what's new. Just click the version badge at the top of the feed. - Thanks @grafician
All aboard!