also, it's the weekend, which means big coding sesh! Going to continue development on better notifications, and hopefully wrap up articles for guardians! 📝 👀
Something's up with the code that issues the member numbers, but it's not really worth fixing as only the first 100 members are getting them and we're nearly there! ✨ Will ensure everyone has correct number once we hit 100, all are correct atm tho.
It's taken a few weeks to put together, but it was important to get right. Twigg's Manifesto. This is who we are and what we stand for. 🌱 ✊ - It'll undoubtedly evolve as our community does, but the values will remain.
The mystery wheel has spoken, & @suprb become this week’s (and our very first) batch of community highlighters! ⭐
Each week, 5 new highlighters, automatically selected at random. Excited to see where this goes! ☺️
If we’re able to get a few more Guardians on board (9 more would cover the cost of the license fee), reckon I should be able to launch an iOS app within the next 3 months. 📱 👀
Dropping in with this week's [Community Prompt], put forward by @opopcreations: Share a photo of your setup, where are you working from, what are your essentials? 💻
Curious, does the "everyone" feed create an element of pressure (because everyone will see it) that stops us from showing up imperfectly? 🤔 - What if you could just share to your followers/profile?
You (and only you) can now see who your followers are by clicking the badge on your profile. ✨ A very (very very) early version of notifications is now available too. 🔔