Our original email provider was damaging our sender rep with every email we sent out, we've switched provider now but it's DIY and I haven't been able to setup bulk emailing yet. This is why email updates disappeared, they'll return soon. 💌
[Weekly Prompt] Really love that we've already got members all over the world. Let see just how far and wide we're reaching, drop your flags in the comments. 💬
also, it's the weekend, which means big coding sesh! Going to continue development on better notifications, and hopefully wrap up articles for guardians! 📝 👀
It's taken a few weeks to put together, but it was important to get right. Twigg's Manifesto. This is who we are and what we stand for. 🌱 ✊ - It'll undoubtedly evolve as our community does, but the values will remain. twigg.social/docs/ma...
The mystery wheel has spoken, @bob@smithographic@joey.xyz@seth & @suprb become this week’s (and our very first) batch of community highlighters! ⭐
Each week, 5 new highlighters, automatically selected at random. Excited to see where this goes! ☺️